Ghost Boot Disk Creator 3.0

Posted : admin On 1/18/2019
Ghost Boot Disk Creator 3.0 8,9/10 6840 reviews
Ghost Boot Disk Creator 3.0
  1. Ghost Standard Tools 3.0 Boot Disk Creator

Feb 10, 2016 - Ghost Solution Suite 3.0 Standard Tools allows the creation of boot media with. And double-click bootwiz.exe to launch the Boot Disk Creator. Download Norton Ghost 15 Bootable CD Norton Ghost is a powerful backup and recovery tool which allows you to easily create a full backup of the system partition or whole disk. Norton Ghost 15 is able to restore from system failures, enables convenient, secure offsite backup, backs on schedules and events.

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Ghost Standard Tools 3.0 Boot Disk Creator

Using this as a base, I have been trying to build the file using the script below. It fails on where to place ISO image. Thanks REM Batch file to build Ghost 15 SRD on WinPE 3.0 by redk9258 - July 13, 2010 REM Must run as administrator. Echo off CLS SET /p license= Enter your 16 digit license without dashes or spaces: CLS ECHO Enter the path to the Symantec SRD CD or folder SET /p srdsource= (for example. F: or D: CUSTOM_SRD ): CLS SET /p waikdrive= Enter the drive letter where Windows AIK is installed (for example: C: ) CLS SET /p isoname= Enter a name for the ISO file (for example: Custom SRD): CLS ECHO Enter the path to the folder you want to build your ISO in SET /p builddir= (for example: C: windowspe-x86): IF EXIST '%builddir%' ECHO '%builddir% already exists! Please delete it!' Using this as a base, I have been trying to build the file using the script below.