Best Test Automation Tools

Posted : admin On 1/14/2019
Best Test Automation Tools 5,7/10 5526 reviews
Best Test Automation Tools

Test Automation


Top 10 Automated Testing Tools

Today, software development is all about Agile and Continuous Delivery practices that aim to keep up with changing business needs and requirements. How can we ensure quality when the software requirements keep changing? With Continuous Delivery, every build passes through multiple stages of the execution pipeline where they are continuously tested, modified, re-tested, and released before delivery with less or no manual intervention. Software releases are made incrementally to ensure the quality of the software being delivered. Continuous Delivery can help meet customer requirements effectively and draw the return on investment (ROI) without having to wait for several months and years altogether. Continuous Testing with Shift-Left approach is one of the key enablers for Agile And Continuous Delivery practices.

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Continuous Testing involves automating the tests and running these automated tests early and often, along with service virtualization to setup all the required infrastructure. Automation Testing must be integrated at the initial stages of the development cycle to ensure Continuous Testing. Data from the World Quality Report indicates the need to increase the level of test automation and the need for smart test automation platforms. Organizations looking to deliver software at speed need intelligent automation and smart analytics to speed up decision making and validation and to better address the challenges of testing smart devices and products that are highly integrated and continuously changing. The report also suggests the need for smart test platforms that are self-aware and self-adaptive to support throughout the complete application lifecycle.