Softube Download
Posted : admin On 12/21/2018Changes in v.2.1.59 This is the release of Mutronics Mutator but is also including the Saturation Knob free to all our users! We've also done a bunch of bug fixes for Console 1.
Added Mutronics Mutator Added Saturation Knob Added the ability to go through Console 1 presets without exiting the selection dialog. Added detente-in-middle functionality for the volume and drive knobs Added possibility to switch channel strips without changing settings Bug fixes Bug fix for auto section enabling in Group/All mode Fixed too long headers in Group mode Fixed a couple of GUI issues related to the meters in Console 1.

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Softube Fet Compressor Download
Changes in v.2.1.59 This is the release of Mutronics Mutator but is also including the Saturation Knob free to all our users! We've also done a bunch of bug fixes for Console 1. Added Mutronics Mutator Added Saturation Knob Added the ability to go through Console 1 presets without exiting the selection dialog. Added detente-in-middle functionality for the volume and drive knobs Added possibility to switch channel strips without changing settings Bug fixes Bug fix for auto section enabling in Group/All mode Fixed too long headers in Group mode Fixed a couple of GUI issues related to the meters in Console 1.