Download Hindi Font

Posted : admin On 1/30/2019
Download Hindi Font 6,8/10 3772 reviews

We have added new fonts everyday. They are probably the most popular/used fonts in the State of India. Often used for daily and official use in government departments and office in many states of this country.

Hindi Font Kruti Dev Krutidev fonts are most popular font for Hindi typing. Its the most common and it is a standard font for many of the states government in India. Most of the examination in Hindi also take in Kruti dev font. Bihar, Chattisgarh, Jharkhnad, Jammu Kashmir, Haryana etc state use it as official font for typing. Krutidev also choice of most Hindi typing people because of it character the are looking good and easy to type.

Download Hindi Font

Download Hindi Font Mangal

(This font is provided courtesy Public Software Library India Pvt Ltd, the creators of Kruti Fonts.) If you want an alternate to Krutidev font Use Devlys font. Its free and similar to Krutidev Fonts.

Download Kruti Dev All Fonts

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